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We are awash with Media all day and all night. The radio is heard first thing in the morning followed by any TV news updates. Mid-morning most senior executives will do a double check of the online news services to ensure their industry is not under attack or vulnerable to growing issues. By afternoon the radios get switched back on as people return home. Finally, by dinner the nightly TV news is beamed into lounge rooms across the country. All the while, the wire news services are beaming news updates about your favourite topics to your mobile phone.
With all this Media exposure do we really need training on how to deal and face the Media? We all know what we’re doing don’t we? If the answer is yes to either question then you and your organisation may be about to face your biggest hurdles yet – being snowed by the Media.
Even seasoned senior executives, politicians and organisation heads do regular Media training updates to hone their skills. This regular training will assist you with Media trends and influences and better prepare you to face the microphone, telephone or door stop interview.
If you decide your constant Media barrage via the radio, TV, internet and newspapers is sufficient to get you across the line during interviews with Journalists then bite the bullet and try yourself out on a one day training course – there are many different ones to try – you may be surprised how unprepared you really are to face the Media scrum.
Hugo Halliday offers basic one day Media training courses for individuals and up to 15 people where participants will be shown what the Media wants and how to deliver it to make you and your organisation look good. The course will also have you practising interview techniques for radio and TV and be appraised by your peers.
Hugo Halliday offers a one day intensive Media training course for individuals with multiple interviews for both radio and TV and feedback and appraisal by an expert.
If you can’t come to Hugo Halliday maybe you need to do a telephone training module where you will be sent a dummy news story regarding your organisation. A Journalist will telephone you and seek out a story for their news organisation and elicit information from you over the phone. The Journalist will telephone you back with what your story could be if published given what you said.
If you’re interested in media training, contact us today and we’ll ensure you develop the confidence to face the media.