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You and your company have spent some considerable time building up a good reputation so clients will turn their support into a good cash flow. Your name means integrity so clients should flock to you.
The same can be said for individuals not involved in commercial enterprises but in public life whose reputations can turn community support into major support for their organisations.
However, what if a high ranking employee or member of your organisation caused issues that brings a large spotlight from the Media onto your operation? Could you withstand a daily Media onslaught if it was hell bent on having the employee stood down or dismissed, thereby bringing your organisation into crisis management mode to save its reputation?
Hugo Halliday PR and Marketing Pty Ltd understand what your reputation means to you and your organisation. It can assist with crisis management to mitigate worst case scenarios to achieve the best outcome possible.
We offer crisis management training for corporations and organisations before issues arise to help identify what is required and what steps should be taken immediately an incident occurs.
Hugo Halliday will identify issues that may cause potential problems by conducting risk assessments with you and analysing worst case scenarios. We will also train senior organisation spokespeople how to deal with the Media and ways to turn the negative event into more manageable positive ones.
Understanding the news cycle and how the Media operates is a major construct of Hugo Halliday. Both the Managing Director Bill Pickering and the Senior Media and Community Relations Consultant Christopher Holcroft have spent many years as Journalists and Public Relations Officers both domestically and internationally for the Media and Government organisations. The two Media specialists both have bachelor degrees in Journalism and Master’s degrees in Organisational Communications.
Hugo Halliday can represent clients 24 hours a day as major incidents occur so news cycles don’t run the agenda but respond to it. We understand what Journalists want and know how to assist them and concomitantly, the reputations of our clients.
We can help our clients to:


  • Identify spokespeople,
  • Train spokespeople on Media management
  • Help identify organisational notification systems,
  • Identify stakeholders,
  • Conduct crisis management training before a crisis occurs,
  • Develop holding statements,
  • Identify and compose key messages, and
  • Work with your organisation to deliver the messages.

Talk to Hugo Halliday and let us prepare you for your worst disasters and thereby help ready you before disaster strikes. Alternatively, if an incident has occurred and you need high class, high impact assistance, call Hugo Halliday during office hours on 02 9633 1022 or after hours on 0404 074 299.
Organisations need to think ‘crisis’ and prepare for exigencies before their worst nightmare occurs and they find out in the Media.