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If you’re after web design and development and you don’t have an internal marketing team to write all your copy, lay it out and handle tech-talk heavy web developers – we’re you’re go-to!

We specialise in delivering launch-ready WordPress websites for all types of businesses that hit the right notes with your stakeholders.

We don’t code in-house ourselves (we have strategic business partners who handle that), what we do is:

  • Scope your website based on meetings with you, research, competitor analysis and even focus groups with your clients and staff.
  • Project manage your whole web design and development project so you don’t need to worry about being taken for a ride by web developers who don’t understand what your target audience actually needs.
  • Copywrite all content for your website (most developers will hand over a ‘blank’ template for you to populate). Our copywriting adheres to best practice SEO guidelines and is targeted to your audience.
  • Collate content for your website (this means organising photoshoots, sourcing stock photography, scriptwriting and producing video content etc.).
  • Design your website in-house, ensuring it meets your brand guidelines.
  • Pinpoint required functionality and plug ins that may have been missed (such as a language translator!).
  • Set up your google analytics and AdWords campaigns (*if required)
  • Ongoing: curate keyword rich, target audience desired blogs.

Our consultants work closely with you to create a complete solution which will sell, retain and convert your stakeholders.

When you reach that 100% milestone with us – you have a website that is ready to go live, not one you still need to spend hours trying to get up to scratch.

If what you’re after is a complete website which effectively aids in marketing your business and informing your stakeholders, contact us today to discuss your needs and obtain a proposal.

FAQs about our web design and development service:

How long does it take to develop a website?
Timelines are variable and totally dependent on your needs. When we provide you with a detailed proposal + quote we will also give you an indicative timeline. Factors which affect how long your website will take include: website size, information available from you, any custom modules, whether or not we need to produce a video or set up a photo shoot and time taken to approve/select options at milestones.

What is your process?
After initial contact is made, we usually like to set up a meeting to find out more about your needs and organisational goals. This can be done in person or virtually if you’re not based in Sydney. After the first meeting we put together a detailed proposal for your approval which includes all identified fees (including coding). If you’re happy, you sign a contract and we begin work. Work starts with research, content curation by you and focus groups/surveys if required. Once gathered and analysed, we create a menu scaffold.

We create the menu first as we believe CONTENT and USABILITY are the most important elements for your target audience. Then we provide you with design concepts which are geared totally towards what your target audience wants/needs to find on your site.

Once a concept is selected we work with our developers to get it coded, we manage this whole process and speak their language so you don’t have to be bombarded with technical terms.

While the website is being coded we also begin copy writing and producing or sourcing any content required, which we then put into the website once coded. After your final tick of approval, your website is ready to go live!

Do I have to be Sydney-based to use your services?
No. We can work with you virtually from anywhere. If we need to produce a video or photo shoot we can organise to fly to your location or vice versa.

Where do you get content from for my website?
Once the contract is signed, we will ask you to provide us with anything and everything you can about your business. This includes any brochures you have made, any past websites, any links to articles about your industry etc. We may also decide to interview your staff (especially front-line ones) who will have insider knowledge about what they think the website needs and what the customers they deal with say they need. Great ideas always come when every stakeholder is involved in the process!

How much does a website cost to develop?
It depends on the size of your website and we can honestly only give you a price once we’ve discussed your needs. When comparing quotes, remember to weigh up all the service inclusions. Comparing a quote from a developer who is simply going to code your site, to a complete project management and content creation proposal is like comparing seaweed and gravel. If you have a budget to stick to let us know and we can tell you if it’s feasible with your needs or not.

What do you do in-house?
We do everything in-house except the actual technical coding. We outsource this to subcontractors and work extremely closely with them to ensure they deliver what we’ve asked for. In our experience, the most difficult part of web development is going back and forward with a web developer – we take the burden off you!

Resonating with the above? We’re just a few clicks or a phone call away. Contact us today or check out some of our web design and development case studies.