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You know you love them – those cute toys you have collected since you were a child.
The toys need to clutter your home, garage and backyard shed no more. Sell them and start making a great return on them.
It’s amazing what people will buy and the prices they are prepared to pay for a slice of history or memorabilia.
One avid Star Wars collector starting buying the film franchise figurines when he was a pre-teenage boy. He sold a number of them to his classmates and started making some serious pocket money. Now as an adult he is set to make a motza with Star Wars VII in production and the resultant marketing of memorabilia yet to hit the stores.
Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – can help you realise your dreams by drawing up an exceptional PR and marketing campaign to start you off on your road to success.
We’ll help take the worry out of how you could market yourself or your goods whether they are Star Wars figurines or even a shaving mug collection from the 1800s.
Hugo Halliday is renowned for optimising business returns for people through campaigns of good media exposure, website design and marketing know-how.
Take away the clutter from your home and turn it into your business dream with help from Hugo Halliday.
Let Hugo Halliday prepare you to face the Media, or draw up a campaign for you and provide advice about dealing with Media at all levels. Your collectibles story could warrant you being sought out by the Media. Hugo Halliday can show you how to face those cameras and get your message across to your various publics.
Hugo Halliday believes in small businesses and we want to help grow your customer and client base. Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs? Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.
Contact us on 02 9633 1022 and arrange for a ‘FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION’ so we can explain our services and point out how we can specifically help you drive your dollar further.