there's still time to donate | | |
Thank you to everyone for the massive response regarding our Christmas Care Packages for deployed Aussie troops.
To recap the response so far:

  • Almost 800 reactions on the LMBDW women’s networking group
  • An article in the Penrith Press (read here)
  • Over 9,000 people reached on the Hugo Halliday Facebook page
  • Over 25 individuals and businesses committing to donate to the packages, plus many more sending their own care packages
  • Over 300 emails sent with an above-industry response/open rate
  • Over 2,200 unique visitors to our website
  • We letterbox dropped letters to the 61 offices in our building and have started receiving donations because of this

We are holding a Thank You morning tea next Monday (December 4 2017) to thank all our donors and offer an opportunity for people to drop off their donations directly to our office, rather than having to post them.

If you would like to contribute there’s still time and we would love if you would attend our morning tea. You can find out more and RSVP on our Facebook page.

Pictured above is a photo of our donations so far. We will be letting everyone know how many care packages we end up sending out and giving personal thanks to all our donors.

A big thank you again for everyone who has come onboard for this last-minute initiative. We appreciate it’s a busy and expensive time of year and are genuinely grateful for your contributions.