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You are being interviewed by the Media regarding your business but how do you present yourself?
A number of people become nervous when microphones, cameras and lights are on, recording everything they do. Their bodies suddenly twitch and they become washing machines as they move from side to side in their seats while trying to answer questions.
It takes a number of mock rehearsals before some interviewees settle down. Imagine if they faced the Media straight off with no time for rehearsal or training? Would their body language give a false impression they were not telling the truth to the Media?
Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – are experts at Media training. We can prepare you for your time in front of the cameras and microphones.
Hugo Halliday has internationally renowned Journalists who can put you at ease and help you grow your confidence to use the Media.
We’ll show you how to use techniques to assist in driving sales to your business.
Don’t take the plunge and race into your Media interviews until you have spent a day with Hugo Halliday in our specially prepared training area in the heart of Parramatta.
If you are not ready to face the TV cameras but still need to engage the Media we can help write Media Releases, Media Advisories and your story in a professional way to attract readers.
We are a Parramatta based PR & Marketing consultancy and have an excellent track record when it comes to promoting our clients and their various interests, products and services.
Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs. Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.