Should I hire a social media manager?

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should I hire a social media manager

“Should I hire a social media manager?” is a question most business owners and executives ask themselves – a question I see getting asked a lot.   10 years ago, social media was viewed by most businesses as a passing trend applicable to personal communication. The way social media channels are used has changed rapidly… Read more »

Your Business and Social Media Strategies

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Social media marketing

The growth of social media is one of the biggest new-age technologies affecting the way society communicates and shares their lives. In Australia over half of the population has a Facebook profile, with many more using other social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. The Sensis Social Media Report 2016 found Australian… Read more »

What should I post on social media?

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What should I post on social media?

Many business owners know that statistically they need to be on social media, but many get stuck asking the question “what should I post on social media?”.   With one in seven customers leaving positive feedback online, without an online presence you could be missing out on a great opportunity to capitalise on your excellent… Read more »

The (ir)relevancy of Valentine’s Day Online

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I recently considered writing a blog post about how businesses can capitalise on Valentine’s Day. You know the standard ‘couples packages’, make people feel gooey and romantic about a service you offer…all that kind of jargon. But then I got to thinking about how much Valentine’s Day really annoys me. The relevancy of Valentine’s Day… Read more »