NSW Government needs focus on small business in Western Sydney

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western sydney small business

Hardly a week goes by without the NSW Government announcing a major infrastructure project or services coming to Western Sydney – supposedly bringing wealth and employment opportunities to businesses and people in the West. However, questions are being asked about whether these announcements will result in any real benefit if you are a small or… Read more »

Troubled times ahead for NSW Government

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nsw council amalgamations

The NSW Government‘s ramped up attacks on local councils is starting to unleash an angry response, which, combined with Malcolm Turnbull deposing Tony Abbott, could see the beginning of significant Coalition political unrest in NSW.   A million dollar advertising campaign and media stories about the failures of local government are clearly pointing to the… Read more »

Is Baird’s New Cabinet a Missed Opportunity?

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The voters of NSW delivered strong message to Premier Mike Baird. That message was “Get on with the job!”   Just days after the NSW election many journalists, political insiders and commentators were making their predictions on who would be the winners and losers from a certain cabinet reshuffle. The expectation was for big changes,… Read more »

Council Amalgamations Not the Answer to Better Planning

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Metropolitan councils in NSW are facing a push by the State Government to amalgamate to allegedly make Local Government more financially viable, or in bureaucratic speak – ‘Fit For The Future’. No one disputes the need for fiscal responsibility in Government at every level, but all the evidence points to being bigger through amalgamations not… Read more »