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Do you know how to use social media effectively? Do you have the time to make social media work for your business?

If you answered “no” to either of these questions, our social media marketing solutions may be what you need.

Having being a social media manager for pages with over 80,000 fans and reaching over 2 million people on a good month, our Director, Jessica Craig knows how to make social media work for your business.

Hugo Halliday currently offers 3 key services in social media marketing:

    1. Social Media Strategy
    2. Social Media Management
    3. Digital Media Campaigns

Social Media Strategy

We develop comprehensive social media strategies for our clients which outline:

  • Which social media platforms will work for their business
  • Who the target audience is on each platform
  • How to effectively use each platform based on current practises and features
  • A content strategy for each platform
  • A reporting format to garner the success of each platform

Each strategy involves specific, individual research, examples and best practice tips. Think of it as a complete comprehensive guide your business can give to any of your employees to follow.

Social Media Management

If you don’t have the time or the employee resources to manage your own social media platforms, we can do this for you. Included in our fee is the development of a strategy and any required internal and external policies, as well as 24/7 moderation.

Each month, your dedicated Hugo Halliday Account Manager will create a content calendar for the next month. Account Managers will work closely with a nominated person in your business to develop and create the content. We’re able to use our internal graphic design, copywriting and basic photography skills (we also have strategic partnerships with videographers, photographers, studios etc.). Every month you will receive a report from your Account Manager detailing the results and reach from the social media efforts.

Our point of difference to other ‘social media managers’ is we work directly with you to build an online brand image which truly reflects your business. We don’t post ad-hoc or limit it 2 posts per week. We don’t put up posts ‘just because’ – every post is in line with a strategy.

Your Account Manager will actually be in direct personal contact with your organisation, coming out to your place of business once a month to curate content (***for this reason we only offer social media management to Sydney-based businesses).

Digital Media Campaigns

Digital Media Campaigns are campaigns we can run for your business when you have a specific goal in mind. Whether that be to sell a particular product or service, garner more social media likes or send out a community message (for example, about the importance of wearing sunscreen).

We can develop a campaign strategy and implement it using the best identified means, which may include Google AdWords (search and display), Facebook, website ad placements, YouTube, influencer marketing etc.

We not only develop the content for the campaign, but also create, monitor and report the results.



If you would like a detailed quote or proposal, or have a question, please contact us today.