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Your organisation has outgrown its office space and is in need of a new workplace. The solution is easy isn’t it? Just submit the relevant Development Application (DA) to Council.
There may be a myriad of factors that come into play as to why you need to expand your operational base.
Whatever the reason, think Community Relations as part of your overall Public Relations strategies for your development. Hugo Halliday PR and Marketing Pty has an excellent track record in assisting high profile and other clients with their community relations programs, events and strategies aimed at winning the vital support needed for projects.
For instance, a football club wanted to get out of its heavy debt cycle and stop the reliance on monies from gambling and alcohol by its patrons. In this case, the club decided the way forward was to have continuous ongoing financial support to its main club operations; expand its grounds, add high-rise housing and retail development to its immediate environs.
In return, the club promised the Local Council, State Government and the community it would have a series of offsets all could share. These included monies from the overall development to assist in environmental protection of the estuarine area surrounding the club – something the Council had either failed to do or had no money to do it with.
The club also looked at housing in the local government area and decided its injection of high-rise units next to its sporting complex would give a huge intromission to future population growth in a short time.
The economic boost in building the redevelopment for the football club was a major economic injection of millions of dollars annually for a set number of years while the whole project was being built. This boost included employment for an army of tradespeople desperately looking for work; specialist assistance to local schools in the form of skills teaching by the club and use of its sports grounds.
Club enthusiasts and locals living near the sports ground were given assistance in the form of bus transport to and from the railway station and main sports complex and also a new collection of specialty shops and retail areas built at the entrance to the redevelopment.
There was a lot of opposition to the club’s redevelopment by the Council and some Members of Parliament.
Hugo Halliday worked with its partner clients to put into effect strong Community Relations and Government Relations strategies which ended up having the NSW Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) support the club’s redevelopment proposal.
The community was the main winner with the various economic; population, amenities and environmental assistance given by the club.
If you want to build big – think big – but also think Community Relations and Hugo Halliday.