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The Non Profit sector is one of the largest employers in Australia, and yet it struggles more than any other business model to generate funds to support its cause and employ its staff. Non-Profits also face multiple streams of competition vying for the same donations and volunteers.

How can Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing help your non-profit succeed?

Non-profits deal with three key external stakeholders: volunteers, donors, and legislators. Without donors a non-profit would not have the money to continue running; without volunteers a non-profit would not be able to achieve its primary functions; and without legislators a non-profit would not be able to effectively pursue social change.

Each of these 3 external stakeholders plays a vital role in the sustainability of a non-profit, and therefore each requires specific attention and nurturing through our non-profit marketing services.


Hugo Halliday is able to create donor retention plans to ensure that your donors stay on year after year, as well as fundraising strategies to get donors to give to your cause in the first place – or give more for a certain aspect of your cause. This may include developing a bequest program, a direct marketing campaign, a fundraising event, reviewing and improving/automating donor communications, partnerships and sponsorships – to name a few.


Volunteers can be found in your donor database, but can demand a little more for the precious gift of time. Hugo Halliday can help non-profits utilise their online presence, the media and events/promotions to entice new volunteers to your cause and make your current ones feel appreciated and desire to stay on. This includes auditing all current volunteer communications (or establishing practices where there are none).


Hugo Halliday has years of experience and many strong connections to the political world at all levels of Government in Australia. Through our knowledge and connections we can help your non-profit identify and acquire Government or local grants; campaign for your cause, or get you in front of your desired/targeted political leader. We can also prepare ministerial briefs that will ensure your key campaign messages are understood by the Government.

Internal Stakeholders

In addition to your non-profit’s external stakeholders are your internal stakeholders. Especially in for-service non-profits and those dealing in face-to-face environments with the community, customers or clients, it is exceptionally important that your internal stakeholders (i.e.: your staff, board, contractors) are happy with your communications processes and feel they are being heard. From experience, it’s always the front-line staff that have the best business growth ideas because they hear every day what your external stakeholders want. For non-profits we offer an internal communications audit service which involves an entire company review, surveys, focus groups and a final report on the findings and how to improve your practices.

On top of our target external stakeholder services we can provide non-profits with:

Graphic Design

Media Training

Web Design and Development


Social Media Strategies

Print Advertising

– Promotions and Event Marketing

We have the ability to help your Non Profit with new campaigns to increase awareness, drive your cause, and improve your money stream.

Contact us today for more information on our Non Profit marketing services, or to book in a meeting. Alternatively you can download our 2018 Rate Card to find out our current marketing rates.