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After celebrities, politicians and others have been caught making gaffes in the Media they can sometimes be seen on news bloopers.
These awkward moments are there forever and make people look silly or totally unprofessional.
One senior Federal Government source said he had a ‘daggy dad moment’ when he answered a reporter’s question too fast without thinking through the reply. His opposite number said it just went to prove the man was human after all.
Cringeworthy moments of people caught out saying the wrong thing or in an awkward pose bring smiles to viewers’ faces like the proverbial joke of someone slipping on a banana peel in movies.
Business executives usually have a Public Affairs/Corporate Communications person or team to help them prepare to face the Media. Not every business can afford this luxury.
Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – are experts at Media training.  We can train you to go in front of the cameras and microphones self-assured and in control of the situation.
Journalists working at Hugo Halliday will put you in the driver’s seat and help steer you through the various tactics today’s Media use.
Let us take you through the hard times in the comfort of our training area so you look and feel good when it comes your turn to face the cameras and microphones.
Think because you watch TV news and listen to the radio reports you can handle Media interviews? Think again. You could be caught out having a ‘daggy dad moment’ or making remarks that will follow your career.
We are a Parramatta based PR and Marketing consultancy and have an excellent track record when it comes to promoting our clients and their various interests, products and services.
Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs? Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.
If you’d like to talk to us about media training, simply contact us today.