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You have a message to sell and the Media is on your doorstep. How do you handle the waiting Media scrum?
We all watch TV and have seen people in the news interviewed by the Media in gentle and ferocious circumstances depending whether it is the launch of a new product or the announcement of a new Prime Minister.
Business owners usually don’t have much to worry about when it comes to facing the Media but still need practice, rehearsal and teaching before they stand in front of the cameras.
For instance, there are a number of Media organisations attending your Media conference. When the cameras start rolling which one do you look into or do you sway your head from side to side like a washing machine trying to answers questions from each reporter?
Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – are experts at crisis communications and dealing with the Media.  We have the know-how and expertise in helping you handle the Media and using it to your advantage like driving sales to your business.
Hugo Halliday can help you face the Media for maximum impact whether it is to launch a new product, de-pressurise a crisis facing your business or have you telling your side of the story.
If you are not ready to face the TV cameras but still need to engage the Media we can help write Media Releases, Media Advisories and your story in a professional way to attract readers.
Hugo Halliday can help prepare you and your team with special one day Media training workshops from internationally experienced Journalists.
We are a small business in the heart of western Sydney and have an excellent track record when it comes to promoting our clients and their various interests, products and services.
Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs? Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.