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“Lawyers [should] bring in their PR consultants from the beginning, not just once a potential issue [is] brewing,” said Kevin Steward, the head of Minter Ellison’s disputes resolution practice (Western Australia), yesterday.
Mr Stewarts warning highlights that there are a number of lawyers utilising public relations practitioners to help manage the media during intense litigation, or to help preserve and solidify a positive brand image for their business.
Mr Stewart said a business’s reputation can influence its share price and valuation, and even whether settlement should be pushed for, or if the case should proceed to court. A good reputation backed by a positive brand image will give confidence to clients and garner the trust of potential clients when looking for advice or representation.
Securing a good business reputation will also help during cases attracting media attention. A good reputation means the media has only the current case to focus on, rather than dragging in past cases and mishaps to dilute facts and position your side negatively in the public eye.
Mostly, PR professionals are bought in once the storm has already started rolling in. As Mr Stewart said, they should have been brought in at the beginning. A PR professional who is across all the facts of a case will be able to identify and combat potential media issues. They will be able to advise lawyers and their clients on how to proceed in front of cameras; what tactics they can use to push their key messages/argument into the media before the opposing side, and how to deal with other external parties that may sway favour with the media.
That there is always some form of media attention on the courts makes it imperative that litigators understand how to deal with the media, even without the aid of a PR professional. Media Training courses like the one Hugo Halliday offers are an integral part of protecting a legal entities business and personal reputation, and also that of their clients.
As Mr Stewart said, “lawyers cannot afford to ignore the importance of public opinion in the era of social media.” The vast, real-time environment that is social media means a case or firm can go from obscurity to infamy in a matter of seconds. Working with a PR professional before the hint of any issue means that that professional will be able to position your image in such a way to minimise any negative impacts.
This can be done through social media strategies; stakeholder manager programs, efficient website content, corporate social responsibility policies, developed relationships with media identities, internal and external communications review, and many more.
If you are a lawyer or own a firm, contact us today to discuss your public relations needs and how we can help you maintain a positive image and deal with the media.
If you are in the middle of a media storm and need urgent help see our Crisis and Issues Management service.