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No doubt you have started to work out in your mind who you will personally vote for in this month’s State election.
However, will your personal choice be best for your business?
Each of the major parties have made a plethora of promises that will affect Western Sydney in some way, shape or form. Is your business prepared for the ultimate winner?
Trying to contact someone in Government about issues that affect your business can be a nightmare. Today, lobbyists are generally shunned by the Baird Government making it even harder for someone to represent your interests at Ministerial level.
Talk to our friendly staff at Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney. We don’t engage in pointless direct lobbying, but we can prepare Government Relations strategies to put to the relevant Government body, authority or Minister.
Hugo Halliday can help unravel the mystique behind the Government machinery stopping your business from advancing. We can help you put your case to the relevant Government area in the language and format they understand.
Let us market your business or services so more people know about you – thereby increasing your customer base.
We can also prepare you to face the Media, or draw up a campaign for you and provide advice about dealing with Media at all levels. If you are going to be in the Media to push your business or company but are unsure how to do it – Hugo Halliday can show you how to face those cameras and persistent reporters.
Hugo Halliday believes in small businesses and we want to help grow your customer and client base. We have an excellent track record when it comes to promoting our clients and their various interests, products and services.
Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs? Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.
Contact us on 02 9633 1022 and arrange for a ‘FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION’ so we can explain our services and point out how we can specifically help you drive your dollar further.