How to spend the small business tax break money | | |

The sales signs are up. Staff are busy trying to attract business.
You want to clear stock or take advantage of the end of the financial year. How will you celebrate the end of this tax time with your customers?
Are you on track with your business goals to increase your cash flow and client base as the last strokes of the auditor’s pen are made on your accounts?
This is a great time to celebrate with your customers the end to any ‘fiscal emergency’ as we follow Treasurer Joe Hockey’s words of ‘spend, spend, spend’.
This part of June is a great time to re-calibrate your awareness of how your clients perceive you and to reward them for their loyalty to you and your business.
Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – can help you fine tune your Public Relations and Marketing strategies to test their effectiveness.
Sometimes a little tweaking of a business’ PR, promotions or marketing approaches will enhance their outlook and see an increase in the client or customer base and a larger number of returning clients.
Hugo Halliday has exceptional graphic design and web page creators who can make your web presence come alive to better suit today’s changing clientele and their various needs.
We can organise PR campaigns to push your line of service or business in a myriad of ways including local Media, social media, mail outs and special events.
Hugo Halliday believes in small businesses and we want to help grow your customer and client base. Try our online survey to see which of our services best suits your needs? Within three easy questions we’ll know the best way to help you.
Contact us on 02 9633 1022 and arrange for a ‘FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION’ so we can explain our services and point out how we can specifically help you drive your dollar further.