2018 rate card | | |

After much consideration and reviewing of our time and business practices over the last year, we have made the collective decision to release our rate card.

Our team puts in long hours, not just on client projects, but also pitching and writing proposals.

While we will still continue to develop and present custom project pitches and proposals, we have decided to streamline some of our sales work by providing our 2018 Rate Card for download to potential and current clients.

The fees listed in our Rate Card are locked in for 2018, so if you download in February and engage us in November, they’ll still be valid.

To access the rate card you will need to fill out this form.

I genuinely hope to meet a lot of new faces this year and continue to work with our current – amazing – client base.

Have a great 2018 and feel free to contact me if you have any queries at all.

Best Regards,
Jessica Craig
Director @ Hugo Halliday