copywriting services sydney

At Hugo Halliday, we have in-house, degree-qualified, media-experienced copywriters tittering on the edge, waiting to dive into their next copywriting services mission.

Whether its creativity you’re craving or cut throat, analytics-driven, to-the-point word structures – we can assist you.

All our copywriting services are undertaken or directed and reviewed by post-grad qualified staff members who majored in English, text and writing, advertising, PR, communications and/or have worked in journalism.

We base our copywriting on:

  • Who the intended audience is.
  • What the client wants to achieve.
  • Where the copy is most likely to be read.
  • Why the client is using the selected medium to communicate.

Our writing styles are tangible pending the above and the type of ‘voice’ you wish to convey. We are able to write in colloquial and technical styles.

Don’t lose your key messages and engagement due to long-winded or un-impactful copy. A Hugo Halliday copywriter can help you cut the jargon and sell your message.

Some of the projects our copywriting saviours work on include:

  • Annual reports
  • Advertisements
  • Marketing collateral (brochures/flyers/info kits etc.)
  • Websites
  • Social media
  • Newsletters
  • Media kits
  • Corporate profiles
  • Speeches
  • Presentations
  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Direct Mail
  • Emails
  • Resumes/CVs
  • Sales documents
  • Animations/Interactive media

We have written copy for:

  • Members of Parliament
  • Senior executives
  • Media publications
  • Non-profits
  • Multinationals
  • Associations
  • Large corporates
  • Small businesses
  • Community groups
  • Political parties
  • Local, national and international publications
  • Online platforms

Our copywriting process is:

  1. You make contact with us requesting more information/a quote (service available Australia-wide).
  2. We clarify your exact requirements, determining how big the project is, or – for on-going work – how many hours would be averaged on a regular basis.
  3. We provide you with a detailed quote. Once accepted, 40% of the fee is required up-front for new clients (for by-the-hour quotes an estimated final cost is used to calculate this figure)*
  4. Our copywriters begin work which may involve for liaison with you to gather background information. We do also include a research component in our quote if not all the background information is going to be provided.
  5. Once the copy is complete it is reviewed internally before being presented to you.
  6. After review (amount of allowable changes for projects variable and detailed in quote), you are provided with the final copy and issued with an invoice for the remaining amount.

We also offer in-house graphic design services to streamline your collateral production process.

If you’re keen to hand over your laborious copywriting duties to one of our copywriters, please get in touch today or download our 2018 Rate Card to find out our fees. We can quote by the hour or by the project.

*Why do we charge an upfront fee for copywriting services? Unfortunately in the copywriting industry it is extremely regular for clients to use the finalised copy and not pay their invoice. A 40% up-front fee safeguards a percentage of the work we undertake. We take pride and put an exceptional amount of thought and care into our copy writing. Our staff are professional, experienced and great at what they do. We make sure we protect them as best we can against non-payment.