community relations sydney

Hugo Halliday can help your organisation to establish relationships with targeted community stakeholders and interest groups in order to enhance your profitability or solve issues surrounding your projects.

Our consultants have many years of experience in working with community groups and all levels of government to effect good results and more harmonious relationships between parties.

Hugo Halliday will work with your organisation’s senior management to create targeted opportunities with events that link-in with the general public and specific audiences you need to reach.

Our consultants will implement an array of management tools including a media news items and features program (possibly advertorial) to profile your organisation and its services to the local community and specific audiences. They will also write articles for inclusion on your website that may be of interest to visitors to the site.

Hugo Halliday will organise direct community relations activities with presentations and briefings to organisations and groups; direct letters and invitations by your organisation to the media and identified community representatives.

Our consultants will also conduct direct engagement with community and business leaders to effect better relationships with local communities.

Contact us today to find out more about our community relations service.