Download Our 2018 Rate Card

Posted by & filed under Advertising, Community Relations, Crisis & Issues Management, Events, General, Graphic Design, Marketing, Media Training, Public Relations, Social Media, Website Development.

2018 rate card

After much consideration and reviewing of our time and business practices over the last year, we have made the collective decision to release our rate card. Our team puts in long hours, not just on client projects, but also pitching and writing proposals. While we will still continue to develop and present custom project pitches… Read more »

Is Your Business Thankful Enough?

Posted by & filed under Public Relations.

how to thank your customers

Thank you to our clients and other business residents for their wonderful support at our Biggest Morning Tea event held recently in aid of the NSW Cancer Council.   Many businesses donated cakes to assist the scrumptious two hour event at our Parramatta office complex. The event was used as a corporate citizen affair and… Read more »

Lawyer’s Need Public Relations, Like Now!

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“Lawyers [should] bring in their PR consultants from the beginning, not just once a potential issue [is] brewing,” said Kevin Steward, the head of Minter Ellison’s disputes resolution practice (Western Australia), yesterday.   Mr Stewarts warning highlights that there are a number of lawyers utilising public relations practitioners to help manage the media during intense… Read more »

Community Brochures: How MP’s Can Connect With Their Electorate

Posted by & filed under Graphic Design, Politics, Public Relations.

Over the years Hugo Halliday has worked with a number of Members of Parliament from different levels of Government and States. A lot of our work largely focuses on creating material to be distributed throughout electorates. Every MP understands the importance of keeping the community informed about their work, not just for the benefit of… Read more »

Your PR Campaign is Over – Now What?

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It was great to see your advertisements and messages in various Media outlets pushing your company’s products or services. Also it was comforting to see your money at work.   Is that it? What happens now? Maybe you wait for the hordes of new clients and customers to contact you seeing you were a Media… Read more »