NSW Government needs focus on small business in Western Sydney

Posted by & filed under General, Government & Regulatory Strategy.

western sydney small business

Hardly a week goes by without the NSW Government announcing a major infrastructure project or services coming to Western Sydney – supposedly bringing wealth and employment opportunities to businesses and people in the West. However, questions are being asked about whether these announcements will result in any real benefit if you are a small or… Read more »

Government can ‘save face’ on council amalgamations by using Ryde model

Posted by & filed under Government & Regulatory Strategy, Politics.

council amalgamations

The appointment of Gladys Berejiklian as Premier of NSW provides a unique opportunity to address community opposition to forced council amalgamations in metropolitan areas by applying an innovative Joint Regional Authority (JRA) model developed by the City of Ryde Council.   Premier Berejiklian appears to have to either back-peddle on the Government’s program of council… Read more »