Download Our 2018 Rate Card

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2018 rate card

After much consideration and reviewing of our time and business practices over the last year, we have made the collective decision to release our rate card. Our team puts in long hours, not just on client projects, but also pitching and writing proposals. While we will still continue to develop and present custom project pitches… Read more »

8 unique ways to play Secret Santa

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unique ways to play secret santa

If you’re organising your office Christmas party and are looking for unique ways to play Secret Santa (or Kris Kringle!), we’ve put our event manager heads together and compiled some ideas below for you. Some of these ideas will work if you’re playing as a family or group of friends too. Let us know what you… Read more »

Unique Corporate Christmas Party Ideas

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Unique Corporate Christmas Party Ideas

As event planners, events are something we’ve come to live and breathe here at Hugo Halliday. When clients come to us, sometimes they have a full idea nutted out in their head and other times they ask us for the whole concept. With the silly season approaching, we’ve compiled a list of 5 unique corporate… Read more »

Our Christmas party event planner services are here to help!

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christmas party event planner

It’s that time of year again where staff across the country are being nominated by their dear colleagues as the official office Christmas party event planner.  Those who have never done it before rejoice that they’ve been noticed and eagerly dive into picking out balloons, ordering Santa hats and testing out caterers. Those who have… Read more »

Secret Santa ideas that don’t suck

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Another office Christmas party, another name-drawn-out-of-the-hat who you need to find a cheap gift for. How many times have you searched for office Secret Santa ideas that don’t suck, only to end up buying and receiving the same old chocolate or soap or diary every year? Have no fear, we’ve compiled a list broken into… Read more »