Dr Shane Geha Media Training

Media Training

Dr Shane Geha required media training to enhance his ability to deal with media issues and to further develop his profile as a pre-eminent urban planner in Sydney and Melbourne.   He is a Managing Director of a leading development company (EG Funds Management), which has developments across Australia with a pipeline value of more… Read more »

Insurance Australia Group

As one of Australia’s top 20 ASX-listed companies, Insurance Australia Group manages the biggest motor vehicle insurance brand – NRMA Insurance – in the country. Hugo Halliday has provided expert counsel on effective and successful engagement with the motor trades industry, achieved key stakeholder relationships, and delivered media training and issues management programs.

Members of State and Federal Parliament

Hugo Halliday has conducted basic and advanced media training for members of both State and Federal Parliament. This has assisted them with dealing with the media in relation to issues and crisis management, and for effective pro-active promotion of events and activities. Many of those having received this training are today Ministers, Shadow Ministers and… Read more »

Pfizer Australia

Pfizer Australia engaged Hugo Halliday to assist with community research and promotional projects in relation to glaucoma awareness concentrating on the eastern States of Australia. Professional media training was tailored specifically for Pfizer’s sales and marketing staff to assist them with messaging and communications for the introduction of new therapeutic drugs.