Mastercom advertisements for Critical Communications

Mastercom Critical Communications Advertisements

A great supporter of the Australian radio industry, and as part of their brand profiling strategy in the lead up to a keynote Sydney event ‘Comms Connect’, Mastercom purchased an advertising pack from industry publication, Critical Communications and asked Hugo Halliday to come up with the advertisements. Included in the pack was: an e-newsletter banner… Read more »

John Barilaro MP Funding DL Infographic Brochure

Hugo Halliday designed a DL Infographic Brochure for John Barilaro MP to let Bungendore residents know about new community funding allocations. Mr Barilaro’s office was particularly impressed with one of the last infographic brochures Hugo Halliday undertook for them (view here) and wanted to replicate the same isometric style in another DL infographic brochure. The… Read more »

John Barilaro MP 2018 Anzac Day Brochure

John Barilaro MP Anzac Day brochure 2018

John Barilaro MP’s 2018 Anzac Day brochure was conceptualised, written and designed by the team at Hugo Halliday. Anzac Day is an important event across Australia, one that many local Members of Parliament choose to produce community news about to help strengthen the Anzac message. The main purposes of this 2018 Anzac Day brochure are… Read more »

The Showground Development Branding

The Showground development Branding Case Study

The Showground development branding was developed in entirety by the Hugo Halliday team. The Showground is a proposed $3 Billion residential property development in Castle Hill, Sydney. The brand created by Hugo Halliday needed to serve two specific purposes: to position the proposed development as a high-end, well-planned, architecturally designed development suitable to the current… Read more »

The Showground Website

The Showground Website Case Study

Hugo Halliday worked with The Showground team to produce their branding, all associated collateral, their launch event and website, all within a one month timeline. Work undertaken for The Showground website included: Graphic design of nine (9) templates Creating a menu scaffold based on the marketing needs of The Showground Reading over all the planning… Read more »

John Barilaro MP Sports Rebate Brochure

John Barilaro MP Sports Rebate Brochure

As part of the 2017 Budget, the NSW Government announced the launch of a new program which would provide $100 vouchers to all eligible school-aged children across NSW, to enable them to participate in out-of-school sport. To share this announcement with his electorate and let families know how to access the vouchers, John Barilaro MP… Read more »

Jonathan O’Dea MP Christmas 2017 Newsletter

Jonathan O Dea Chirstmas 2017 Newsletter

This six page, Christmas 2017 newsletter was designed for Jonathan O’Dea MP, Member for Davidson using the branded, recognisable template we developed. Jonathan O’Dea says of our work: “Hugo Halliday’s work on my electorate newsletters has been excellent. I am particularly impressed by their design initiatives and their speed of delivery. At times they have… Read more »

John Barilaro MP Christmas Card 2017

john barilaro mp christmas card 2017

We designed John Barilaro MP’s 2017 Christmas Card. The card featured artwork from children in his local electorate, with the ‘winning’ artwork – as selected by the Minister – appearing on the cover.

Housing Supply Association Survey

Housing supply association survey

Hugo Halliday undertook the development, design and analysis of a housing industry survey for the Housing Supply Association (HSA). Using a database from the HSA launch event, our staff developed a survey for the purpose of informing future policy direction and finding out from key housing industry stakeholders what their views are on the current… Read more »

John Barilaro MP Education Brochure

John Barilaro education brochure

Hugo Halliday copywrote and designed a brochure for John Barilaro MP, NSW Deputy Premier, about the recent State Government funding which had been provided to improve education in the Monaro. After sending our copywriter and designer many media releases and snippets of information about provided funds, Hugo Halliday consultants decided the information would be most… Read more »