Social media marketing | | |

The growth of social media is one of the biggest new-age technologies affecting the way society communicates and shares their lives. In Australia over half of the population has a Facebook profile, with many more using other social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. The Sensis Social Media Report 2016 found Australian Facebook users (the most popular social media platform) spend 12.5 hours per week using Facebook.
Business owners and company directors of the past have been hesitant to invest in social media, but over and over it is proving to be a solid marketing platform that can give businesses a boost in the market place and in the minds of consumers who are able to voice their opinions, talk directly to companies and become brand ambassadors.
Using social media effectively means businesses are able to not only develop a strong consumer fan base, but also turn negative perspectives into positive ones by properly combating bad feedback or disgruntled customers.
Social media gives businesses the opportunity to:

  • Create large fan bases of people, including people who may not have connected or known the brand otherwise

  • Turn negative feedback into a positive relationship by replying swiftly and concisely with customers

  • Market in a social forum that users spend great deals of time using

  • Run competitions and share important information that engage customers

  • Create a business ‘personality’ to give target audiences a more personal way to connect and identify with a business

  • Increase the recall likelihood when people choose what business to connect with

  • Give positive insight into the workings of your business that make customers feel connected and a part of the business and therefore more enticed to recommend or use it

  • Gain statistical insights into your business about your customers to use for promoting, marketing and product development

  • Use affordable marketing techniques that connect with large amounts of people without spending a lot of money like you would on television and print advertisements

  • Give you the ability to keep your brand up to date with the market place and an ease of access to change the look of your business when new promotional activities arise

Some of the social media services Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing offer include:

  • GRAPHIC DESIGN: Design of cover photos, profile pictures, backgrounds and posts, to make your profiles professional, attractive and cohesive with your brand personality.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY: Develop a social media strategy that identifies your brand personality; what platforms will work best for your business, how each platform should be used and what management practices should be put in place.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Establish and retain positive relationships with stakeholders (eg: clients, business partners, employees) through social media via effective, timely communication.

  • CONTENT CREATION: Create content (posts, tweets, photos) that will generate user interaction and enhance brand personality.

  • POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Develop policies to protect business integrity and employees in the online environment.

  • BLOGS: Create blogs to improve website search engine optimisation, attract potential clientele and inform key stakeholders.

  • ADVERTISING: Devise social media advertisements to garner new business for your services.

  • ANALYSIS REPORTING: Provide detailed reports on current levels of interaction, what is working and what isn’t and who is interacting with you online.

Hugo Halliday is able to create complete social media strategies for businesses that ensure new comers, or even tried and tested hands, do not fall into traditional social media traps. By having a proper social media strategy, businesses are able to utilise the online environment to its maximum capacity and keep up to date with ever changing and developing social media technologies.
Contact us today to discuss how a social media strategy by Hugo Halliday can help your business online and offline.