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Business owners are similar to team captains and sometimes need to make hard decisions.   Have you found your Captain’s Call – where you have made a sole decision on marketing your business – not working?   A lot of high profile people in charge of teams and businesses have made similar decisions only to… Read more »

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You are watching Australia playing in the one day cricket series at the Sydney Cricket Ground on TV when you see a group of fans enthusiastically jump up and down on The Hill. What amazes you is both your focus and that of the camera operator are drawn to the same fans over and over… Read more »

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Advertising. Just think about that word. What immediately comes to your mind when you think about it?   Television? Radio? Big corporates? Lots of money…   Sometimes the idea of advertising is completely overwhelming to small business owners. Their immediate thoughts being a) I can’t afford it and b) I have no idea how to… Read more »

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You have written your marketing plan to kick start your enterprise for 2015 – well done.   What did you do with the plan? Have you left it in your drawers?   If you were having second thoughts about trying to implement your plan then stop there. You need a marketing plan to effectively communicate… Read more »

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No doubt how you market your goods and services has been a winner for you.   However, how long has it been since you reviewed your marketing plan to see whether it still meets today’s demands from clients and customers?   When you drew up your plan you had a series of target audiences in… Read more »

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I recently considered writing a blog post about how businesses can capitalise on Valentine’s Day. You know the standard ‘couples packages’, make people feel gooey and romantic about a service you offer…all that kind of jargon. But then I got to thinking about how much Valentine’s Day really annoys me. The relevancy of Valentine’s Day… Read more »

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How do your customers and clients know about your business? Could it be your window signs? Maybe word of mouth by other customers?   It’s time you became tech savvy and gave your business a good online presence.   Small businesses have limited budgets which makes marketing an almost forgotten tool in their public relations… Read more »

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Don’t let your profits fly out the window this summer – join our ‘Fresh February’ campaign to stimulate your sales.   Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – Western Sydney’s premier Public Relations, Marketing, Media and Government Advocacy centre – can help bolster your business.   We want to help small business owners boost their marketing… Read more »

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We can’t turn on an electronic device of any kind without some big business trying to sell us something.   Pick a product you remember from the promotion – maybe soap, clothes or even a cute fluffy pair of slippers for your loved one.   Did the advertisement add that personal touch you know you… Read more »

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Got the picnic hamper packed and the temporary Australian flag tattoos ready to brighten up your family’s faces? Fantastic. That’s the family covered. Now how will your business celebrate Australia Day? Just close the business doors and give the staff a holiday? This is a special Australia Day for all those aged around 10 and… Read more »