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You are being interviewed by the Media regarding your business but how do you present yourself?   A number of people become nervous when microphones, cameras and lights are on, recording everything they do. Their bodies suddenly twitch and they become washing machines as they move from side to side in their seats while trying… Read more »

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The importance of collecting customer data, both that of potential yet-converted customers, and practising customers; is vital for any business no matter what size. By customer data I mean names and contact details such as emails, phone numbers and addresses. A business that is able to gather each of these contact details about a person… Read more »

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There could be a time when an incident occurs regarding your workplace that draws the Media to you like a magnet.   How prepared are you to face the waiting Media who want to ‘ambush’ you and elicit comment and even try and hold a Media conference? Do you know what to say and how?… Read more »

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I probably should’ve called this blog “how not to use hashtags” but I thought I’d try and stay away from negativity straight off the bat.   As everyone would be clearly aware of, Instagram has become the new playground for hashtags. The lone swing now creaks in the wind on the Facebook hashtag attempt (and… Read more »

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You have a message to sell and the Media is on your doorstep. How do you handle the waiting Media scrum?   We all watch TV and have seen people in the news interviewed by the Media in gentle and ferocious circumstances depending whether it is the launch of a new product or the announcement… Read more »

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India’s film industry is now one of the biggest in the world and set to get bigger.   Bollywood has found how to not only successfully market its product to huge audiences but also capitalise on well proven film formulae.   Watch nearly any Bollywood film and you’ll see evil characters, handsome heroes and beautiful… Read more »

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Let’s play a game of pretend.   Say I’m a personal trainer looking to open a small workout space where I can do personal training sessions and hold some group classes. I’ve found a space to rent for a great rate, on a main a street, near some other bustling local businesses….the only problem is… Read more »

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Working out the maths to put a man on the moon is for a select few people on Earth.   Working out how to market your business and drive your dollar further is sometimes also left to experts.   Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing – the premier Public Relations agency in western Sydney – can’t… Read more »

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It has been all about small business this month at Hugo Halliday with the launch of our Fresh February campaign. A lot of small businesses are getting lost in the clutter of franchises and corporates that monopolise the market. We’re working with small business owners to change that, but there’s one thing some small business… Read more »

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Scouts and Girl Guides around the globe will celebrate the birthday of the founder of their organisation Lord Baden-Powell this month.   The motto we have all come to know of ‘Be Prepared’ was coined by Baden-Powell but doesn’t just apply to children about to undertake adventurous activity – it also applies to business owners… Read more »