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The 2015 Federal Budget is in play and small businesses are the winner.   It’s time to sit down with members of Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing and push your company’s image.   This is a period of growth and renewals so jump aboard and let us take your business to new heights.   Hugo… Read more »

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Over the years Hugo Halliday has worked with a number of Members of Parliament from different levels of Government and States. A lot of our work largely focuses on creating material to be distributed throughout electorates. Every MP understands the importance of keeping the community informed about their work, not just for the benefit of… Read more »

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The Abbott Government has released its second budget and one of the big winners is small business.   Tax breaks, less red tape and accelerated asset depreciation means more money for small businesses and sole traders.   How will you use the extra money Treasurer Joe Hockey is swinging your way?   According to the… Read more »

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Treasurer Joe Hockey will bring down the Abbott Government’s second budget next week.   Will this mean belt tightening for you and your company? Will it signal a new deal in economics that will see you and your staff rushed off your feet with customer spending?   Whatever news Mr Hockey delivers it will affect… Read more »

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The Facebook algorithm change March 2015 is here!   Facebook changes their algorithms almost as often as a Centrelink recipient with a rat’s tail jumps the gates at Penrith station…and it’s getting pretty hard to keep up.   While the latest algorithm update mainly affects personal users, there is one change in particular that has… Read more »

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Your business is humming and a slow trickle of new customers is coming to your front door.   Everything seems right but you notice frenzy by the big end of town as they try to avert a major problem with their ‘Google searches’ by customers.   The issue could see half of Australia’s largest companies… Read more »

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When City of Ryde Mayor, Bill Pickering, was recently assaulted at a polling booth for a council by-election, the biggest question in his mind was: Why would any ‘sane’ person want to serve in public office?   Comment by Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing Managing Director, Bill Pickering. (*Bill is also Mayor of the City… Read more »

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The voters of NSW delivered strong message to Premier Mike Baird. That message was “Get on with the job!”   Just days after the NSW election many journalists, political insiders and commentators were making their predictions on who would be the winners and losers from a certain cabinet reshuffle. The expectation was for big changes,… Read more »