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  A ‘humble and proud’ former hero of East Timor has begun his journey as Australia’s 26th Governor-General.   His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), has taken his oath of office as the Queen’s representative in Australia.   Hugo Halliday salutes the new Governor General and knows he will make… Read more »

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  Does looking at the search results under your name make you queasy? Are there bad news stories following your every online move? Is your reputation suffering because Google is churning out bad story after bad story? Well, have no fear! There are a few methods to combat this.   One of the questions I… Read more »

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  Ever wanted to ‘wow’ your Facebook friends with an awesome cover photo? Well here’s your chance. I’ve put together a vector tutorial that even ultra-beginners to Photoshop can follow – and your friends will love you for it.   So let’s get started.   I’m using Photoshop CS6 and Windows, but you can do… Read more »

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  A few years ago when ‘flash mobs’ really broke out onto the scene it seemed like everyone was jumping on the bandwagon to join the craze that saw organised groups of seemingly random people suddenly perform simultaneous actions in public and then disperse; usually it involved dancing or freezing without any purpose but to… Read more »