The name ‘Hugo Halliday’ was conceived in 2007 by the founding Director, Bill Pickering. Bill wanted a company name that represented strength, respect, professionalism and loyalty.
Two people who most reflected these qualities to Bill were his father and his grandfather. Bill chose his father’s middle name – Hugo, and his grandfather’s middle name – Halliday (the middle names were the maternal family names of both men).
Continuing the theme that identified the importance of relationships in business and professional practice, the company’s motto – Making Your Success a Reality – was also created.
Hugo Halliday continues it’s family-orientated tradition today, employing both Jessica Craig and William Pickering who are the children of Bill and Helen Pickering.

pickering family

From right to left: Joanne Toigo, Bill Pickering Senior, Betty Pickering, Christopher Pickering and William Pickering.